The Jr. High Youth Group
The Jr. High Youth Group are seventh and eighth graders meeting the second Wednesday of each month from 5:15 – 6:30 p.m. after Confirmation class. Our gatherings are all about fostering friendships and deepening faith. We kick things off with a delicious meal and then dive into games and activities. It’s a chance for our students to connect with peers from various schools while having a blast. The Confirmation process is a two-year curriculum, typically during seventh and eighth grade, where students learn the basics of the Christian faith. Using Luther’s Small Catechism, we explore the six chief parts of Lutheran teaching. Our goal is to guide students towards a growing and maturing relationship with Christ as they prepare to receive His body and blood in the Sacrament of the Altar. Our High School Sunday School class meets during education time on Sunday mornings from 9:30 – 10:15 a.m. in the school library.
This is the perfect opportunity for students to tackle topics relevant to their everyday lives and explore any questions they may have about the Bible’s perspective on those matters.
The Sr. High Youth Group
The Sr. Youth Group are high school students that meet Sundays from 5 – 7 p.m. Students enjoy a provided meal, engaging Bible study and a variety of fun activities. This group is also about giving back, so we participate in servant events, and there are occasional off-site adventures to look forward to. Our prayer and ultimate goal is to help your teens build a strong foundation in Christ. We want them to be fully prepared for whatever life throws their way, rooted in Christ’s love and forgiveness, and confidently live out their faith.