
ways to serve at st.Paul’s
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There are a variety of ways to serve the Lord during Sunday morning worship services. Individuals can greet worshipers when they arrive on Sunday mornings, run the computer to advance the worship slides, assist in reading the appointed Scripture, provide children’s messages, volunteer in the nursery during worship and adult bible class, perform special music before and during worship and sing with other song leaders. Individuals can assist in many ways around our church and school facilities. Opportunities such as altar guild, landscape maintenance, mowing and seasonal decorating of the fellowship hall entry, to name a few.
There are several ways individuals can serve people during the week at St. Paul’s. Consider being an onsite childcare provider for Wednesday evening bible studies, be a Faithful Friend to a St. Paul’s student, serve as a school librarian, or assemble The Epistle and worship folders. Helping Others with Medical Equipment (HOME), is sharing God’s love for people by providing affordable home medical equipment to the community to support independent and safe living at home. HOME is an outreach service that, through donations of equipment and funds, provides home medical equipment at minimum to no cost to people who cannot afford to purchase these things or who only need them for a short time.