Small Groups
Scripture teaches us the importance of studying God’s Word, as it is the way in which He has revealed Himself to us. Studying Scripture together as God’s people also brings great joy and benefit. This is why we started a Small Group Ministry at St. Paul’s at be start of the new year. We want everyone to have the opportunity to gather with others around Scripture in a smaller, more personal setting at a day and time that works with busy family schedules. Look for more information to sign up in the Weekly Bulletin.
Pastors’ Adult Bible Study
Pastors alternate leading adult Bible class in the Fellowship Hall where a variety of biblical topics are discussed. These topics may originate from the day’s appointed Scripture readings or be part of a concentrated series on spiritual practices or biblical themes. Everyone, regardless of their level of biblical knowledge, is encouraged to join. There’s no pressure to provide answers or feel put on the spot when it comes to questions. A welcoming environment is created for all adults to engage with the teachings of the Bible.
Heaven Rules small groups
Tuesday morning: women’s group 9-10:15 a.m. at St. Paul’s, led by Kris Hallstrom
Tuesday afternoon: women’s group 1:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s, led by Debbie Rector
Tuesday evening: Time TBD by group upon registration
Wednesday evening: men’s group 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s in the 7th and 8th grade room, led by Brian Petersen–childcare available
Wednesday evening: women’s group 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul’s in the Library, led by Sarah Petersen–childcare available
Thursday morning: women’s group 9-10:15 a.m., led by Sarah Dunklau at her home
Saturday morning: group at St. Paul’s, led by Carol Dunklau. Time TBD by group upon registration
Need a different time or interested in leading a group? Contact the office and let us know!
Tai Chi
St. Paul’s Tai Chi class features movements and exercises to help improve strength, balance, flexibility and breathing. St. Paul’s Health Ministry believes our health and well-being include physical, spiritual, emotional/mental and relational aspects. This class is for any fitness level and challenges our brains. We also have fun! Any adult is welcome to attend these classes that are provided at no cost. Standing for the whole class is unnecessary, as chair participation is an option. Classes meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. in the gym. Wear comfortable clothes.
Sisters in Christ
Women of the church who come together for Bible study on Wednesday evenings throughout the year. The face of this group is never the same. It is ever-evolving, depending on the season and personal activities. Always open to women of all ages who want to participate. Studies may be topical, like grace or forgiveness, people of the Bible, or books of the Bible. As a group, these ladies also provide 6 meals to St. Paul’s families with new babies according to the family’s schedule preference. Evenings of Bible study are filled with Christian fellowship, fun, and spiritual growth. Supervised childcare is provided. The group meets in the school library. This is a great opportunity to mature in faith and make long-lasting friendships with women in the church family.
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study group meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8 p.m. in the seventh/eighth-grade classroom for an inspiring journey of faith and fellowship. This gathering of men is dedicated to seeking Christ through Bible study and building meaningful connections. They delve into a wide array of thought-provoking topics, from what makes a man a man to how God created the world. It’s not just a meeting; it’s an opportunity to deepen spiritual understanding while forming strong bonds with like-minded individuals.
Evening Friends in Faith (EFIF)
EFIF is a society of Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML), an auxiliary organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others. Since 1942, LWML has supported worldwide missions through mite offerings. EFIF usually meets at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of every other month beginning in January. We welcome any women of the congregation to join us for Bible Study, fellowship, and servant events. Serve the Lord with gladness!
St. Paul’s Women’s League
St. Paul’s Women’s League is affiliated with LWML and meets at 2 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month in the Fellowship Hall. We strive to serve the community, state, nation and world through our prayers, mission projects and acts of service. Our short meetings include a Bible study and fellowship.
All women are welcome to attend.