Student Life
Music and Drama
Academic Competitions
fifth through eighth grade boys and girls are part of a club team sponsored by St. Paul’s church.
fourth through eighth grade girls are part of a club team sponsored by St. Paul’s church.
St. Paul’s seventh and eighth graders may participate in cross country, volleyball football, basketball and track with Arlington Public School.
All students have regularly scheduled music classes. Students are given the opportunity to sing in church once or twice a semester.
Students are given the opportunity to assist in leading chapel with the guidance of their classroom teacher. Students lead responsive readings, prayers, and scripture readings as well as perform skits to enhance the worship experience.
Veteran’s Day Program
Students participate in songs and readings to present a program honoring Veterans and their families on Friday afternoon in November.
Christmas Program
All students participate in sharing the Gospel through the performance of a Christmas program.
Spring Program
All students participate in sharing the Gospel through song and skits at the end of the school year.
“Sing and Make Music”, ‘A Music Curriculum for the Lutheran Elementary School’
Ideas from music teachers on Teachers Pay Teachers
YouTube for Christian song sing-a-longs and a variety of online subscription services
Spelling Bee
Washington County
Math Bee
Elkhorn Valley Lutheran Schools Contest